The P&C hosted a wonderful Father’s Day Breakfast on Friday 30 August for students and their Dad’s (or significant other). The smell of bacon and eggs wafted throughout the school while the Dad’s were entertained by their children. There was …
On Thursday 15 August, in conjunction with the Perth Observatory, Aveley North Primary School hosted A Night Under the Stars. The skies cleared and we were treated to some spectacular sights. Through the telescopes we were able to see the …
On Wednesday 22 May all the children were treated to a storytime session in the undercover area for National Simultaneous Storytime. This is an annual campaign that aims to encourage more young Australians to read and enjoy books. Mrs Kemp …
We welcomed Mothers, Carers and significant others to our school on Friday 10 May to acknowledge the wonderful work they do in supporting their children and Aveley North PS. With over 150 parents in attendance, mothers were spoilt with a delicious …
As ANZAC Day falls during the holidays we held our ANZAC Service on Wednesday 10 April. We had a number of special guests that attended the ANZAC Service, special thanks to Sgt Barbara Anderson representing RAAF Base, Pearce. ANZAC Day …
Last Thursday we held a special Harmony Day activities day to celebrate the cultural diversity of our school and our school community. At Aveley North PS we have students and families from many parts of the world and we are …
We welcome all of our students and families to Aveley North Primary School for the 2019 foundation school year. We look forward to the exciting year ahead as we establish our school community and our school brand. It has been …
On Wednesday 27 February 2019 the Hon. Suzanne Ellery MLC Minister for Education and Training, formally opened Aveley North Primary School. Distinguished guests from a range of agencies and businesses were in attendance to acknowledge and recognise the work completed …
We have been fortunate to engage the services of the Dsylexia-SPELD Foundation who provide support to schools and parents with some very practical tips about supporting their child at home with reading and writing. Some of their ideas include reading to your child as …
In the coming few weeks we will provide our parents and carers with general information to assist students in making the transition into a new class at Aveley North Primary School smooth and seamless in 2019. The Kindergarten Information Session …