Each year the school reports annually to the school community on information in relation to student achievement, progress against our school priorities, financial management of the school, highlights of the year and other state and federal requirements. Surveys of various …
2019 Kindergarten Enrolments You will need to apply to enrol your child/ren in a public school for 2019 if they are: starting Kindergarten – 4 years old by 30 June 2019. While it is not compulsory, almost all parents send …
On Wednesday 12 September Aveley North Primary School held its inaugural Sports Carnival with our founding students consisting of K and P students. With the weather being kind and a 99% parent and student turn out, our students kicked goals, …
It was fantastic to see so many fathers and parents at last week’s BBQ breakfasts. We held these events on both Tuesday and Wednesday last week to ensure all fathers/parents/carers had the opportunity to be involved. I would like to …
It is a rare opportunity to be a founding student, family or staff member of a brand-new school, so we invite you to be part of it! Join other local residents who are excited by the opportunity to be part …
WHAT A DAY!! Thank you so much to all members of the Aveley North Primary School Community for ensuring a smooth start to the first day here. The kids were buzzing with excitement as they entered school in the morning …