In the coming few weeks we will provide our parents and carers with general information to assist students in making the transition into a new class at Aveley North Primary School smooth and seamless in 2019.

The Kindergarten Information Session will be held on Wednesday 14 November and will be supported by other professionals to give our parents and carers a clear understanding of what will be expected when their child attends Kindergarten in 2019. We hope all parents and carers are able to attend.

Mrs Chiara Longthorn will provide an overview of the Pre Primary program for 2019. She will be supported by other professionals to give our current Kindergarten community a head start into what is expected in Pre Primary next year. This will be held on Thursday 22 November at so we hope all the parents and carers of the students going into Pre Primary in 2019 will be able to attend.

The Kindergarten – Year 6 Parent information session will be held at 5pm on Tuesday 27 November at Aveley North Primary School. This is an open invitation to all parents and carers of the students enrolled in Aveley North Primary School in 2019. Mr Chris Brackenreg will introduce our staff and give families an overview of the expectations and programs for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6, including those students in the Education Support Program.

Ms Keren Provost, Deputy Principal, will be presenting an overview of the Education Support program on 4 December 2018 at 9.30am   She will introduce the staff who will be working with the students within that program and explain our inclusive approach to implementing this model of Education Support within Aveley North Primary School.