The relationship between home and the school plays a very important part in a child’s education. We cannot overestimate the critical role parents play in successful learning. Parents contribute much to their child’s development and are among the most important influences on the way in which the child approaches learning. Two-way communication is a critical factor in the partnership between parents and the school. Where a partnership exists, it is easier for parents to feel confident about the teaching and learning taking place in the classroom and to solve problems. What might you talk to your school about?

• Issues particular to your child • School or class issues • Access to support services How your school communicates with you – • Reports on student progress • Regular information about the school through newsletters • Parent-teacher interviews • Notes • Surveys • Displays of children’s work • Assemblies • Special events and celebrations • Parent information booklets • Parent information sessions You are welcome to talk to your child’s teacher whenever you have a query. However, you should make an appointment to talk with the teacher, to avoid disrupting the learning program.